울산대학교 | 나노반도체공학과



2024-1학기 외국인학생 취업특강 'Becoming a Job EXPO Expert & Job Clinic Consultation Sessions'
작성자 나노반도체공학과 작성일 2024-07-25 조회수 18

가. 프로그램명 : 2024-1학기 외국인학생 취업특강 'Becoming a Job EXPO Expert & Job Clinic Consultation Sessions'

  나. 참여대상 : 울산대학교 한국학생 및 외국인학생

  다. 운영 기간 

    ✓ (Day 01) 2024. 08. 22 (수) 16:00 ~ 19:00

    ✓ (Day 02) 2024. 08. 23.(목) 16:00 ~ 19:00

  다. 교수자 : Benjamin Edward Montgomery (사회과학부 국제관계학전공 교수)

  라. 신청링크 : https://forms.gle/qhPG5fkKAi6Vo8JH9

  마. 상세일정




(16:00 ~ 19:00)

 [ About Job Expo ]


· Job EXPOs

 - Job EXPO/Job Fairs (style and format)

 - Expectations & Objectives for a Job EXPO


· Job Interview Preparation

 - Job Interview styles

 - Job Interview questions and answers

   (Simulation 1& 2)


(16:00 ~ 19:00)

[ 1:1 Tailoring your Resume and CV]



· Students can book a meeting to further discuss job interviews,

  review their CVs in detail, career goals and LinkedIn.

  * Students will need to book a meeting with the professor during the     Day 2 class.


  - Each student will have around 10-15 mins depending on the conditions      to discuss the various career topics in depth.

   - Students should bring pre-made materials to the consultation session.